Exams With Sections (Three Configurations)
3 - "Timed out" User Experience (Config 1)
3 - "Timed out" User Experience (Config 1)
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Video Transcription
So we will continue our tutorial in the second type of Configuration where exam will have sections and this use case will use Katy Perry again So we're gonna simulate the example just like last time with Katy Perry where she has significant Internet outage and was not able to do any exam as soon right after she started But this time we're just going to make it a little bit different in the sense that she did finish the first section and the when she started the break is When her internet goes out or her computer crashes or her building catch on fire, right? So this is the scenario. I'm going to simulate where the user Reached the break time and then computer completely crashes So we're gonna pause the video and resume when Katy Perry has completely timed out so after Pausing the video for extended period of time. I have resumed the recording and as you can see Katy Perry has officially timed out and at this point she has You know potentially probably fail ends up failing the test But what you can notice is that she did finish the first section and it's the set next set of four sections that she has Timed out next video. We'll talk about how you can add time to Katy Perry's exam so that she can resume From where she left off
Video Summary
In this video, the tutorial continues with a configuration that includes sections in an exam. The example scenario involves Katy Perry experiencing a significant internet outage during her exam, causing her to be unable to complete it. However, in this case, she is able to finish the first section before encountering a break time. At this point, her computer crashes, resulting in her timing out and potentially failing the test. The video discusses the next steps, including how to add time to Katy Perry's exam so she can resume from where she left off. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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video tutorial
exam sections
internet outage
exam resumption
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